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Image Upload Details:
You may upload an image of your furniture with the testimonial. This image is restricted to 2MB in size, must be .jpg or .png format, and will only be visible to the Marketing team at Smith Brothers of Berne, Inc.
NOTE: Any image uploaded is subject to be used without your permission for any marketing purpose. By uploading an image, you wave any rights to the use of this image from Smith Brothers of Berne, Inc.
Any images uploaded that are distateful, inappropriate, or unflattering to any person, business or entitiy will be deleted, and your IP will be flagged for future restricted use of this feature/website.
Image must be less than 2MB in size, must be .jpg / .png format extension. (e.g. - image.jpg, image.png)
Any image uploaded to our site may be used without your permission and without compensation to you. Please read our terms of use section.
Being a Smith Brothers Authorized Dealer:
The order number can be found on the deck label underneath the seat cushion or the underside of an upholstered frame that is designed without a removable cushion. The order number is located to the left near the top of the deck label.
Order Information Details:
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